Photo courtesy of David Welna
Requiem for a Peacemaker, Bethesda Magazine, January/February 2014. Andrew Pochter was a young idealist from Chevy Chase eager to work toward world peace. But in one horrific afternoon, he would be swept away in an uncontrollable tide of anger in Egypt.
At The Top of Her Voice, Bethesda Magazine, November/December 2013. Melissa Leebaert makes a career out of being vocal
Save the World, Bethesda Magazine, September/October 2013. As one of the most powerful environmental couples in the D.C. area, the Robertses have long been committed to preserving the planet. But first, they had to figure out how to preserve the life of their child.
Scouts Dis-honor Bethesda Magazine, May/June 2013. Should homosexuality disqualify someone from membership in an organization that promotes leadership, tolerance and integrity? Two Kensington brothers are willing to put that question to the test.
Letting Joey Go Bethesda Magazine, March/April 2013. There’s only so much parents can do to shape their children’s lives. Sandra Swenson learned that the hard way, when one of her two sons followed the straight and narrow—while the other spiraled into addiction.
What They Didn't Know Bethesda Magazine, November/December 2012. Bethesda’s Brian Go was smart, funny and kind. Everyone says so. He also was suicidally depressed—something his parents believe college counselors knew, but tragically failed to share with his family.
Aiden Ever After Bethesda Magazine, January/February 2012. The life, loss and legacy of a transgender student at B-CC
Fear Factor Bethesda Magazine, September/October 2011
Survivor Bethesda Magazine, July/August 2010
Harm's Way Bethesda Magazine, March/April 2010
Sea of Forgetfulness Bethesda Magazine, January/February 2010
A Place of Peace Bethesda Magazine, January/February 2010
The Second Act Bethesda Magazine, September/October 2009
Pushing Boundaries Bethesda Magazine, May/June 2009
Parents' Worst Nightmare Bethesda Magazine, March/April 2009 (Cover Story)
Larger Than Life Bethesda Magazine, January/February 2009
Summer Camp Memories Bethesda Magazine, January/February 2009
A Reverse Miracle Bethesda Magazine, November/December 2008Cabin Fever Bethesda Magazine, July/August 2008
Brotherly Love Bethesda Magazine, July/August 2008
We Knew Them When Bethesda Magazine, July/August 2008
The Boy in the Plaid Shorts Bethesda Magazine September/October 2006